See Ladijana`s all work:

Spomin na poletje/ A Memory of Summer

Spomin na poletje/ A Memory of Summer

Deklica s kokoško / Girl with a Hen

Deklica s kokoško / Girl with a Hen



Nekje med obema mostovoma / Somewhere between two bridges

Nekje med obema mostovoma / Somewhere between two bridges

Pod svobodnim soncem / Under the free Sun

Pod svobodnim soncem / Under the free Sun

Čarobni gozd/ Magical Forest

Čarobni gozd/ Magical Forest

Več luči/ More Light

Več luči/ More Light

Transitio (Opus /more graphics)

Transitio (Opus /more graphics)

Portret Gregorja / Portrait of Gregor

Portret Gregorja / Portrait of Gregor

Portret deklice Ize/ Portrait of girl Iza

Portret deklice Ize/ Portrait of girl Iza

Žuborenje / Purling

Žuborenje / Purling

Bik / Taurus

Bik / Taurus

A prancing horse

A prancing horse

Winchester Bible

Winchester Bible

Pila bom vodo iz tvojega vodnjaka / I shall drink water from your fountain

Pila bom vodo iz tvojega vodnjaka / I shall drink water from your fountain



Najina jutra/ Our Mornings

Najina jutra/ Our Mornings



Pogled skozi okno vile/ A view through the window of a Fairy

Pogled skozi okno vile/ A view through the window of a Fairy

Vmesni čas / Time in between

Vmesni čas / Time in between

Šelestenje/ Rustling

Šelestenje/ Rustling

Breze v vetru/ Birches in the wind

Breze v vetru/ Birches in the wind

Potujoči pevec / Travelling singer

Potujoči pevec / Travelling singer

Prosojnost jutra / Transparency of the Morning

Prosojnost jutra / Transparency of the Morning



Lonely houses

Lonely houses

Ljubljena / Loved

Ljubljena / Loved

Upanje/ Hope

Upanje/ Hope

Portrait of Imogen

Portrait of Imogen

Šanijevo jutro/ Shani´s morning

Šanijevo jutro/ Shani´s morning

Poletje/ Summer

Poletje/ Summer

Zapeljevanja/ Seducings

Zapeljevanja/ Seducings

Deček s češnjami/ Boy with cherries

Deček s češnjami/ Boy with cherries

V nekem jutru / In some morning

V nekem jutru / In some morning

Misel nate/ Thought on you

Misel nate/ Thought on you

Odlitek moje desne roke/ the cast of my right hand

Odlitek moje desne roke/ the cast of my right hand

Still Life with White Owl

Still Life with White Owl

Proti obali jesenskega cvetja / Towards the coast of autumn flowers (skica/sketch)

Proti obali jesenskega cvetja / Towards the coast of autumn flowers (skica/sketch)

Proti obali jesenskega cvetja / Towards the coast of autumn flowers (skica/sketch)

Proti obali jesenskega cvetja / Towards the coast of autumn flowers (skica/sketch)

Notes of the Truth

Notes of the Truth

Češnjevi cvetovi/ Cherry Blossoms

Češnjevi cvetovi/ Cherry Blossoms

Igra pomladi/ Spring game

Igra pomladi/ Spring game

Ljubezen/ Love

Ljubezen/ Love

Čebelja soba/ Bee Room

Čebelja soba/ Bee Room

Painting for Maj

Painting for Maj

Tuscany Sighs

Tuscany Sighs

Guardians of the Soul

Guardians of the Soul

All the little Lights

All the little Lights

Svetišče ljubezni/ Sanctuary of Love (opus)

Svetišče ljubezni/ Sanctuary of Love (opus)

Flower of Life

Flower of Life

Holy Family

Holy Family

Zapisi resnice/ Notes of the Truth

Zapisi resnice/ Notes of the Truth

Samo ptice vedo/ Solo gli uccelli sanno

Samo ptice vedo/ Solo gli uccelli sanno

Paesaggio con cavallo

Paesaggio con cavallo

Zate mami / For you mummy

Zate mami / For you mummy

Deklica s ptički / Girl with birds

Deklica s ptički / Girl with birds

Da Vinci Sacred Tree Notes

Da Vinci Sacred Tree Notes

Paesaggio con Cavalli

Paesaggio con Cavalli

Miss Monet

Miss Monet

Gaia Wheel

Gaia Wheel

Da Vinci Sacred Tree Notes (Opus)

Da Vinci Sacred Tree Notes (Opus)

My dear, my deer, i shall guide you through eternal sphere

My dear, my deer, i shall guide you through eternal sphere

And he called me through his Grace / detail

And he called me through his Grace / detail

Kneeling Leda

Kneeling Leda

Drink my juice

Drink my juice

Sin poletja/ The Summer Son

Sin poletja/ The Summer Son

Da Vinci Chromosom

Da Vinci Chromosom

Vitruvian Woman

Vitruvian Woman

Sladkobna jesen/ Delicious Autumn

Sladkobna jesen/ Delicious Autumn



Was Mona Lisa pregnant?

Was Mona Lisa pregnant?

Do not search me

Do not search me

The Fifteenth Secret

The Fifteenth Secret

And He called me through His Grace

And He called me through His Grace

Love rules his kingdom

Love rules his kingdom

Omnia Vincit Amor

Omnia Vincit Amor



Delicious Autumn

Delicious Autumn

Vitruvian Woman

Vitruvian Woman

Moč ljubezni/ The power of Love

Moč ljubezni/ The power of Love

And He called me through His Grace

And He called me through His Grace

Was Mona Lisa pregnant

Was Mona Lisa pregnant

Da Vinci Chromosom

Da Vinci Chromosom

My dear, My Deer

My dear, My Deer

White Lilies

White Lilies

For once you have tested Flight

For once you have tested Flight

The painter has the universe in his mind and hands

The painter has the universe in his mind and hands

V nočeh, ko sem sama/ In the nights when I´m alone

V nočeh, ko sem sama/ In the nights when I´m alone

Chi è il mio padre

Chi è il mio padre

Su i tuoi passi

Su i tuoi passi

Ecce Homo

Ecce Homo

Codex Forster

Codex Forster

Love rules His Kingdom

Love rules His Kingdom

Poslušaj moj sin / Listen my Son

Poslušaj moj sin / Listen my Son

Sparkle from above

Sparkle from above

Notes of the Truth

Notes of the Truth

My Face is the Prison of Love

My Face is the Prison of Love



Hrastovlje/ Autumn I´ll be back to taste the sweet grapes

Hrastovlje/ Autumn I´ll be back to taste the sweet grapes

Paysage Rocheux II.

Paysage Rocheux II.

Paysage Rocheux

Paysage Rocheux

Ko voda zapusti dotike/ When water leaves touches (opus)

Ko voda zapusti dotike/ When water leaves touches (opus)



ZOJA – Painting for 1.000.000,24 €

ZOJA – Painting for 1.000.000,24 €

Rdeč prostor/ Red Space

Rdeč prostor/ Red Space

Pogled/ The Look

Pogled/ The Look

Sij/ The Glow

Sij/ The Glow

Dotik modrine/ Touch of the blue

Dotik modrine/ Touch of the blue

Ita Rina

Ita Rina

Raphael Sanzio

Raphael Sanzio

Boštjan granpa

Boštjan granpa