Ripatriarsi. Vrniti se domov. Ko se mi bo zazdelo, da sem se naučil živeti, se bom naučil umreti, je Leonardo nekoč dejal. Vsako dejanje vsebuje drobec smrti. In vsaka bolečina je rana, ki napoveduje zadnjo veliko rano, smrt. Toda brez tega človek ne bi vedel kaj je življenje. Živimo le, ker iz hipa v hip po malem umiramo.

Ripatriarsi. To return home. “When I feel that I have learnt to live, I will learn to die”, Leonardo said once. Every action contains a small particle of death. And every pain is a wound that foretells the last great wound, death. But without it all we would not know what life is. We only live because we die bit by bit, moment upon moment.

Da Vinci Chromosom, 2011

  • Orig. Giclée print (signed)
  • 70 x 52 cm
    Limited edition 15
    452 €
  • 39 x 29 cm
    Limited edition 30
    126 €
  • opus: Ripatriarsi ~ Tribute to Da Vinci
  • Chosen at Lettra – Kraków 2012 / Letter and Sign exhibition/ General organiser International Print Triennial Society – Kraków 2012, Jagiellonian Library
  • Chosen at: 7th Celebrate The Healing Power of ART , An online jured exhibition May 14 – June 30, 2012
    Jurors: Renée Phillips, Nancy Reyner and Edward Rubin, MANHATTAN ARTS INTERNATIONAL , New York