Zaorana njiva/ The ploughed field
giclée on plexi glass,
33 x 103,6 cm
Razstavljeno/ Exhibited: It´s a Woman´s world of Graphic, Galerija Riko Debenjak, Kanal ob Soči, (+ Kulturni center Bovec), 2010
zaorana njiva
žulji prepotenih dlani
najino poletje v vinogradih
the ploughed field
blisters of sweaty palms
our summer in the vineyards
Klešem te v kamen/ I am carving you into stone
giclée on plexi glass, 2010
klešem te v kamen
ne vem če smem ampak klešem te
zabijam tvoje črke v trdno belino sredice in prah si pripravlja oblak
gosti se
si želiš oditi?
toda raje kdaj drugič
neizprosno ponavlja in mi izpere obraz
ko voda zapusti dotike bom preštela kapljice in prišla za tabo
giclée print on plexi glass, 2010
I am carving you into stone
not knowing if I should but I still do
hammering your letters into the solid whiteness of the core
while the dust is preparing a cloud for itself
it’s thickening
would you like to leave?
but rather some other time
he repeats inexorably washing my face
when the water leaves the touches i shall count the droplets and follow you
Ko voda zapusti dotike/ When the water leaves the touches
giclée on plexi glass, 2010
ko voda zapusti dotike bom preštela kapljice in prišla za tabo
when the water leaves the touches i shall count the droplets and follow you
Lačne besede med oboki/ Hungry words among vaults
giclée print on plexi glass, 2010
32 x 87,5 cm
Hungry words among vaults
touch- touch- touch- arrive quietly
overflying birds in rustling elms
hungry words among vaults
my time is your time
when the peafowl changes its feathers i shall embrace your body
dotik- dotik- dotik- pridi potiho
prelet ptic v šelestenju brestov
lačne besede med oboki
moj čas je tvoj čas
ko bo pav zamenjal perje bom objela tvoje telo
Neizbrisana/ Undeleted
giclée print on plexi glass, 2010
in šla sem
po tvojih stopinjah ki jih veter
zabrisuje v pesku
Severni sij/ Northern Lights
giclée on plexi glass, 2010
prah ki nevtralizira pričakovanja
pogled ki ne doseže
severni sij
dust which neutralizes expectations
view that does not reach
northern lights